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The Brand, The Passion

Global Herbs aims to supply horse owners with the very best feed supplements from around the world. Our products are fully backed by a modern scientific approach but originate from well-established and authoritative traditional practices. To back up the use of such equine herbal supplements we aim to provide the most advanced advice service possible, one which totally supports the work of veterinary surgeons caring for the equine population.

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Global Herbs – Market Leading Equine Herbal Supplements

Global Herbs are the specialists in high quality equine herbal supplements. Fundamentally aimed at supporting the quality and condition of your horse, both internally and externally. As a responsible owner and rider, you’ll be aware that your horse’s health and welfare is of paramount importance. After all, without your own health, you tend to feel tired, miserable and lacking in energy. Therefore, it stands to reason that you’d want to devote as much care to your horse and their health as possible. Whilst the care and attention you give to your horse and the time you spend with them is essential in maintaining their welfare, we believe that our horse health products are also essential in maintaining your horse’s normal immune system, keeping them in good condition and aiding their mobility.