In Case You Missed It

Step one: Pull the vehicle over. Step two: Check your blind spots. Step three: Lose the pants.

Excess weight can impair sexual health by affecting bodily systems and psychological conditions.

Don't feel weird if you cry after sex or have period-like cramps. Many people do.

Buying breast milk from donors online is common, so we asked experts if it's worth the risk.

The Latest from Giddy

The case could affect emergency medical care for millions of pregnant people in the U.S.
Covered entities can no longer share protected information about your reproductive health.
When your sexual health begins to droop, it may finally be time to see an allergist.
The legislation requires accommodation for pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions.
Toxic chemicals called PFAS in your workout and outdoor gear can lead to serious health issues.
Low levels of testosterone could be a result of underlying health issues or your lifestyle.
The 1864 law criminalizes all abortions except those necessary to save a pregnant person's life.
Here's what you really need to know about trich, a common sexually transmitted infection.
Extreme stress, a sedentary lifestyle and autoimmune disease all contribute to hypothyroidism.
The justices' decision could restrict or protect abortion pill access for millions of Americans.